Logical-Arts Markdown


Inserting Markdown into an article will be done with the tag "lartsmarkdown".
It can be either in enclosing form like "{lartsmarkdown} {/lartsmarkdown}" or self enclosed like "{lartsmarkdown /}".

To insert markdown text directly, you have to use the enclosed version.
E.g. "{lartsmarkdown}Hello _Markdown_!{/lartsmarkdown}"

To insert a file containing markdown text, the self enclosed version is sufficient.
E.g. "

File not found: "mymarkdown.md"


Options can be set globaly at the plugin configuration, but also inside the start tag. This will result in overwriting the global settings.
E.g. "

File not found: "mymarkdown.md"




Tag Description Applies to
enablebreaks Output will translate newlines into <br /> Markdown, Text
markupescaped HTML-Tags in input will be translated to visible tags Markdown
urlslinked URLs generated as clickable links Markdown, Text
safemode Do not allow invalid formating Markdown, Text
strictmode Do not allow invalid formating Markdown, Text
boxed Text will be placed inside a light gray box Markdown, Text
monospaced Text will be displayed with a monospace font Text
class Text will be sourrounded by a div with the given class. Markdown, Text
linenumbers Renders a line number in front of every line Text
numwidth Determins the number width to calculate the leading zeros Text






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