Logical-Arts Package-Manager
Manage your extension distribution with the Package-Manager Component. Since 2017 the support of the Joomla! Update System is mandatory for each extension listed at the Joomla! Extension Directory
Manage your developped extensions with the Package Manager.
- Joomla! 4 ready
- Integrates with the Logical-Arts Subsdcriptions Extension
- Manages Update-XML requests.
- Serves the Joomla! automatic update system
The Package manager extension is for the extension developer who wants to publish his extension at the Joomla! Extension Direcotry. Among other things, like passing the JED Checker, extensions have to support the Joomla! update system. Therfore it is needed that a developer setups a server to send the required XML-manifest files and, if a user wants to update by the Joomla! updater, the required zip package.
As a result, there is a lot of work to be done to publish an extension.
With the package manager component, the deployment of an update server will be easy. Just setup the manifest file and create a new package entry. Then, you can append a new version entry for every new released version. This can be a free available or a subcribeable one. A subscribable will be triggered by a special key, to ensure the caller is allowed to update with that version.