Packagemanager - Users

  • At the admin area, select Components -> Logical-Arts Package Manager.
  • Select Users from the sidebar menu.
  • Select New from the button bar



Name The user allowed to download this version.
Package The package to download
Download-Key The key to identify that the user is valid to download this package.
You can set your own key or, if blank, a 32-byte hash will be generated.
Expires The date this entry will be expired. After this date the user is no longer allowed to download.
Published Yes is available, else set to No


At least, the download-key should be sent to the user, so he can add this key to the extension. The developer has to provide the functionality to store the key as a string at the extra-query field at the #__extensions table.

You can use the Package-Manaer-API to create the field and store the key at the database.







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