Event handler
The event handlers will be triggered while processing actions. You can use them by implementing a subscription plugin to do additional actions.
Function | Return | Parameter | Relates to |
onAfterAddCartItem | void | Cart | |
onAfterCreateInvoice | void | Invoice | |
onAfterCreateQuote | void | Offer | |
onAfterCreateTicket | void | Tickets | |
onAfterProcessInvoice | void | Invoice | |
onAfterProcessOrderedItem | void | Order processing | |
onAfterProcessSubscription | void | Order processing | |
onAfterProcessedAllItems | void | Order processing | |
onAfterProcessedAllSubscriptions | void | Order processing | |
onAfterPublishSubscription | void | Periods | |
onAfterRemoveSubscription | void | Periods | |
onAfterSaveProduct | void | Product | |
onAfterSaveTransaction | void | Payment | |
onAfterSaveUserDetails | void | Customer | |
onAfterSendInvoice | void | Invoice | |
onAfterSendQuote | void | Offer | |
onAfterSendTicket | void | Tickets | |
onBeforeChangeSubscription | void | Periods | |
onBeforeDownloadInvoicesCSV | void | Management | |
onBeforeMossExport | void | Management | |
onBeforePaymentRedirect | void | Order processing | |
onBeforeRemoveSubscription | void | Periods | |
onBeforeSaveUserDetails | void | User | |
onBeforeUpdateOrderDiscounts | void | Order processing | |
onForbidDownloadAccess | void | Downlaods | |
onGenerateTicketNumber | void | Tickets | |
onPostRegister | void | Order processing / Customer | |
onPrintTicket | void | Tickets | |
onShowPaymentMessage | void | Order processing | |
onStartRegister | void | Order processing / Customer |