
All extension wide settings can be done at the Subscriptions configuration panel at the Joomla! configuration area.
From the Control Panel you can click on the right "Options" button in the toolbar.
Another way to access the Configuration is by going to the global Joomla! Configuration and choose "Logical-Arts Subscriptions" in the left menu bar. 


In the red bordered navigation menu, you can find the various sections in the configuration.




The general settings contains the very basic settings of the component.

Shop enabled If set to "No", the shop is disabled and the disable message will be displayed.
Currency Symbol The currency smybol to be used.
Currency Position

The position of the currency symbol.

Before: $ 1.234,99
After: 1.234,99 $

Price Format

Price format to use.

Date Format

Date format to use.

Enable Logging  Enables the logging of specific events. You can find the logfiles at the logs-folder in the Joomla! administration folder.
Pagination Results  Shows the pagination results at the bottom of the component admin pages.



Products per page The paginations if you want different settings than the main Joomla! Settings
Products appearance

The appearance of the products page.

Bootstrap Grid: Bootsrap based grid system with adjustments to media

CSS-Flexbox: Fixed count of columns

CSS Grid: Most flexible grid

Redirect on Order Where to redirect the customer after he/she clicked the order button (Checkout Page or Products Page
Redirect on Empty Cart Select where to redirect after the customer clears the complete cart. Default redirect is the product view.
Show VAT Notice If you are charging VAT, then you might want to show a message that the VAT is based on the customers country.


 Frontend Styling

Categories View

The appearance of the categories view.

Products View The appearance of the products view. 
Show uncategorized products If selected, all products without an assigned category will be shown if the root categories list is shown.


Downloads Page

File Ordering

Set the ordering of the downloads available for a customer.


Product Page

Show Teaser on Product

The frontend page contains a "Product Teaser", you may set this to Yes/No.
When you set it to No the product teaser is being hidden from the pages.


Checkout / Cart Page

Select the fields to show at the checkout page.

Quantity Layout

Select the cart item quantity layout.

Buttons: Plus- and minus-buttons to control the quantity.
Select Box: A dropdown select to change the number of a product in the cart.
Separate Lines: Multiple orders of a product will be displayed on a line each.

Quantity Maximum  
Show Coupon  
Show Coupon Explanation  



The component has functionality to show Sub-Menu's on the frontend, you may decide in this section wether it should be on/off, where it should be visible and on which pages you want to disable this settings.

Show User Sub-Menu Enables the menu
Disable on The pages, the menu should not be shown.
Sub-Menu Positioning The menu can be drawn above or below the pages.
Menu Items Select the menu-items to be shown at the frontend.



List View Defaults Available presets for the list views.


 Shop Owner

 Enter the shop address information and email addresses for the invoice shipment here.

This are the default settings for the mailer system. You can override these settings with specific settings inside the email templates.



Here you can set the default settings for your invoices. For those people who want to turn off Invoicing, you might want to turn this functionality off in this tab.
Otherwise you can set the defaults here. 

Numbering The numbering scheme for the invoices.
Number Start The first number at which the numbering should start.
Use Prefix A additional prefix to append in front of an invoice number.
Store Invoice On Server If yes. the invoices will be stored at the server, if no invoices will be dropped after submission.



All default settings for the renewals at your website and upgrades (from one product to another one) can be done here. Most of the settings are self explanatory in this tab.
Renewal buttons on or off. And which discount you want to give to a specific renewal. 


The "Automation" is used by cronjobs. (Read more about cronjobs) This part of the configuration is crucial for your component. Please read carefully when enabling cronjobs.


Cronjob Password Enter a password to protect the cronjobs. This file is accessible by any browser as long as you know the URL, with this password you can prevent accessing the cron file.
Whitelisted IP's Enter the IP addresses that are whitelisted to access the cron file. When entering more than one, please seperate them by a comma. You can have more than one IP addresses whitelisted. The check will be made on the password and a whitelisted IP. When entering it with a password, you don't need to add the IP address to this list.
Use pseudo Cronjobs

If your webspace provider do not allow cronjobs for your account, you can use "pseudo" cronjobs.
The jobs will execute after a specific period and will be triggered by a user, visiting your pages.
If a job has to be executed, this will be done in front of the page view. Only one task will be triggered at once. If there is another task to do, another user has to visit your page.

Automated Reminder Settings

Sending First & Second Subscriptions by email. - You might want to notify customers about expiring subscriptions. The component is able to send out reminders for expiring subscriptions. (The days will be set in the Renewal/Upgrade tab)

Remove Automated Coupons

When the component sends out these reminders, an automated coupon is being generated. To avoid a full database, the automated coupons might be removed by this script.

Calculate Statistics

Turn on if you want to calculate statistics for your subscriptions.

GeoIP Update

Runs an update for the Maxmind GeoIP database.

VAT Rate Checker

Runs an update for the VAT rates of the european union.












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